Sunday, 5 July 2015

Oh! We don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go.

In 1914 a recruiting song was published to encourage men to leave for the front. I can hear this slightly different version emanating from Northern European halls after the Greek referendum. It may even be the only response Varoufakis receives to his proposed renegotiations.

We've watched you playing tricks, and every kind of game
At spending and never paying, you men have made your name,
But now your country calls you to play your part some more,
And no matter what befalls you, we shall love you all the more,
So go and launch the Drachma, as your fathers did before.

Oh! we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go
For the Euro nations need it, now you’ve voted 'No'
We shall want you and miss you but with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you when you come back again.
Oh! we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go
For we've all lost our patience, now you’ve voted 'No' 
We shall want you and miss you but with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you when you come back again.

We want you from all quarters, well the South, but not the North
From whom you want more billions, they say you can go forth
You may have thought we failed you when you were in distress,
But your answer to a Union, was clearly not a "Yes"
And so your name, in years to come, we’ll blame for all this mess.

Oh! we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go
For the Euro nations need it, now you’ve voted 'No' 
We shall want you and miss you but with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you when you come back again.
Oh! we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go
For we've all lost our patience, now you’ve voted 'No' 
We shall want you and miss you but with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you when you come back again.

It's easy for the Germans to stay at home and shout,
But remember there's a duty, so you will be kicked out.
The odds against you staying are now set at four to one
We cannot rest until you see, your duty's to be gone
And the EU commission's duty, is to see that duty done!

Oh! we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go
For the Euro nations need it, now you’ve voted 'No' 
We shall want you and miss you but with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you when you come back again.
Oh! we don't want to lose you but we think you ought to go
For we've all lost our patience, now you’ve voted 'No' 
We shall want you and miss you but with all our might and main
We shall cheer you, thank you, bless you when you come back again.

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